textwolf  0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
oNtextwolfToplevel namespace of the library
|oNcharsetNamespace of character set encoding definitions
||oCEncoderCollection of functions for encode/decode XML character entities
||oCInterfaceThis interface has to be implemented for a character set encoding
||oCByteOrderOrder of bytes for wide char character sets
||oCIsoLatinCharacter set IsoLatin-1,..IsoLatin-9 (ISO-8859-1,...ISO-8859-9)
||oCUCS2Character set UCS-2 (little/big endian)
||oCUCS4Character set UCS-4 (little/big endian)
||oCUCS2LEUCS-2 little endian character set encoding
||oCUCS2BEUCS-2 big endian character set encoding
||oCUCS4LEUCS-4 little endian character set encoding
||oCUCS4BEUCS-4 big endian character set encoding
||oCUTF16Character set UTF16 (little/big endian)
||oCUTF16LEUTF-16 little endian character set encoding
||oCUTF16BEUTF-16 big endian character set encoding
||oCUTF8Character set encoding UTF-8
|||\CCharLengthTabTable that maps the first UTF-8 character byte to the length of the character in bytes
||\CIsoLatinCodePageIsoLatin code page
||\CTypeCheckTest structure to stear the compiler
|| oCis_same
|| oCis_same< T, T >
|| oCNO
|| \CYES
|oCCharMapCharacter map for fast typing of a character byte
|oCControlCharacterMMap of the enumeration of control characters to their names for debug messages
|oCCStringIteratorInput iterator on a constant string returning null characters after EOF as required by textwolf scanners
|oCthrows_exceptionBase class for structures that can throw exceptions for non recoverable errors
|oCexceptionTextwolf exception class
|oCIStreamInput stream interface
|oCStdInputStreamInput stream implementation based on std::istream
|oCIStreamIteratorInput iterator on an STL input stream
|oCSrcIteratorInput iterator as source for the XML scanner with the possibility of being fed chunk by chunk
|oCStaticBufferSimple back insertion sequence for storing the outputs of textwolf in a contant size buffer
|oCTraits< char * >
|oCTraits< SrcIterator >
|oCTraits< IStreamIterator >
|oCTraits< CStringIterator >
|oCTextScannerReader for scanning the input character by character
||\CControlCharMapMap of ASCII characters to control character identifiers used in the XML scanner automaton
|oCXmlHdrParserClass for parsing the header to get the character set encoding
|oCXMLPathSelectAutomatonAutomaton to define XML path expressions and assign types (int values) to them
||oCCoreCore of an automaton state definition that is used during XML processing
||oCMaskMask to query for element types, if they match or not
||oCPathElementDefines one node in the XML Path element tree in the construction phase
||oCScopeTag scope definition
|||\CRangeRange on the token stack with all tokens that belong to this scope
||oCStateState of an automaton in its definition
||\CTokenActive or passive but still valid token of the XML processing (this is a trigger waiting to match)
|oCXMLPathSelectAutomatonParserAutomaton to define XML path expressions and assign types (int values) to them
|oCXMLPathSelectXML path select template
||\CiteratorInput iterator for the output of this XMLScanner
|oCXMLPrinterCharacter encoding dependent XML printer
|oCScannerStatemachineClass to build up the XML element scanner state machine in a descriptive way
||\CElementOne state in the state machine
|| \CActionDefinition of action fired by the state machine
|oCXMLScannerBaseXML scanner base class for things common for all XML scanners
||oCIsContentCharMapDefines the set of content token characters
||oCIsDQStringCharMapDefines the set characters belonging to a double quoted string
||oCIsSQStringCharMapDefines the set characters belonging to a single quoted string
||oCIsTagCharMapDefines the set of tag characters
||oCIsWordCharMapDefines the set of content word characters (for tokenization)
||\CStatemachineXML scanner state machine implementation
|oCXMLScannerXML scanner template that adds the functionality to the statemachine base definition
||oCEndEnd of input tag
||\CiteratorInput iterator for iterating on the output of an XML scanner
|| \CElementIterator element visited
|\CTagStackStack of tag names
\CcopycharDirect copy of a character from input to output without encoding/decoding it