strusBase  0.17
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
  |o*hton.hppHelper methods for reading/writing numeric values with platform independent byteorder
  |o*localErrorBuffer.hppError buffer implementation for a context transforming the error message into an exceptions at the end of its scope
  |o*platform.hppRetrieve Platform dependent constants
  |\*utf8.hppHelpers for UTF-8 encoding/decoding
  |o*error.hppExported functions of the strus error library implementing the standard error buffer interface
  |\*filelocator.hppExported functions of the strus base file locator library creating the file locator interface
  o*debugTraceInterface.hppInterface for reporting debug trace messages in a uniform way
  o*errorBufferInterface.hppInterface for reporting and catching errors
  o*errorCodes.hppStructured error codes for strus components
  o*fileLocatorInterface.hppInterface for locating resource files and working directory
  o*numericVariant.hppVariant type for fixed size numeric types (integers, floating point numbers)
  \*reference.hppShared reference of an object that is not shared between different threads