strusBase  0.17
base Directory Reference


file  atomic.hpp [code]
file  bitOperations.hpp [code]
file  bitset.hpp [code]
file  cmdLineOpt.hpp [code]
file  configParser.hpp [code]
file  crc32.hpp [code]
file  dataRecordFile.hpp [code]
file  dll_tags.hpp [code]
file  dynamic_bitset.hpp [code]
file  enable_if.hpp [code]
file  env.hpp [code]
file  exec.hpp [code]
file  fileio.hpp [code]
file  hton.hpp [code]
 Helper methods for reading/writing numeric values with platform independent byteorder.
file  inputStream.hpp [code]
file  local_ptr.hpp [code]
file  localErrorBuffer.hpp [code]
 Error buffer implementation for a context transforming the error message into an exceptions at the end of its scope.
file  malloc.hpp [code]
file  numstring.hpp [code]
file  periodicTimerEvent.hpp [code]
file  platform.hpp [code]
 Retrieve Platform dependent constants.
file  programLexer.hpp [code]
file  programOptions.hpp [code]
file  pseudoRandom.hpp [code]
file  regex.hpp [code]
file  shared_ptr.hpp [code]
file  sleep.hpp [code]
file  snprintf.h [code]
file  static_assert.hpp [code]
file  stdint.h [code]
file  string_conv.hpp [code]
file  string_format.hpp [code]
file  symbolTable.hpp [code]
file  thread.hpp [code]
file  type_traits.hpp [code]
file  unique_ptr.hpp [code]
file  unordered_map.hpp [code]
file  utf8.hpp [code]
 Helpers for UTF-8 encoding/decoding.