strus::Aggregator | Object representing a configuration of an aggregator function as single string naming an aggregator without arguments or a tuple of strings consisting of the aggregator name followed by the arguments |
 strus::Attribute | Data object that describes a single property of a document that is not subject of retrieval. It acts as description of the document that can be shown as a result of retrieval |
 strus::Context | Object holding the global context of the strus information retrieval engine |
 strus::Document | Document object representing one item of retrieval. A document can be manually composed of its sub parts or it can be the result of an analyzer run |
 strus::DocumentAnalyzeQueue | Analyzer object implementing a queue of analyze document tasks |
 strus::DocumentAnalyzer | Analyzer object representing a program for segmenting, tokenizing and normalizing a document into atomic parts, that can be inserted into a storage and be retrieved from there |
 strus::DocumentBrowser | Implements browsing the documents of a storage without weighting query, just with a restriction on metadata |
 strus::DocumentClass | Defines a description of the properties of a document content processed by the analyzer |
 strus::DocumentFrequencyChange | Structure describing the document frequency change of one term in the collection |
 strus::FunctionVariableConfig | Configuration describing a scalar function variable value |
 strus::GlobalStatistics | Global document statistics, if passed down with the query |
 strus::MetaData | Data object that represents single numeric property of a document that can be subject of retrieval or act as search restriction |
 strus::Normalizer | Object representing a configuration of a normalizer as single string naming a normalizer without arguments or a tuple of strings consisting of the normalizer name followed by the arguments |
 strus::NormalizerVector | A sequence of normalizer definitions represented as single string naming a normalizer without arguments or list of strings tuples consisting of the normalizer name followed by the arguments |
 strus::PatternMatcher | Object representing a pattern match program |
 strus::Query | Query program object representing a retrieval method for documents in a storage |
 strus::QueryAnalyzeContext | Query analyzer context for analysing a multipart query |
 strus::QueryAnalyzer | Analyzer object representing a set of function for transforming a field, the smallest unit in any query language, to a set of terms that can be used to build a query |
 strus::QueryEval | Query evaluation program object representing an information retrieval scheme for documents in a storage |
 strus::QueryExpression | Object representing a sequence of query operations to get the set of postings (d,p) of an atomic term or an expression |
 strus::QueryResult | Structure representing the result of a query |
 strus::Rank | Weighted document reference with attributes (result of a query evaluation) |
 strus::StatisticsIterator | Iterator on messages with storage statistics |
 strus::StatisticsMessage | Message with storage statistics |
 strus::StatisticsProcessor | Translation to update a storage with statistics messages |
 strus::StorageClient | Object representing a client connection to the storage |
 strus::StorageTransaction | Object representing a transaction of the storage |
 strus::SummarizerConfig | Configuration describing the values passed to a summarizer function |
 strus::SummaryElement | Attribute of a query evaluation result element |
 strus::Term | One typed term occurrence in a document or a query |
  strus::QueryTerm | Query analyzer term with info about the field it originated from |
 strus::TermStatistics | Structure holding the statistics of a term to be used in a query |
 strus::Tokenizer | Object epresenting a configuration of a tokenizer as single string naming a tokenizer without arguments or a tuple of strings consisting of the tokenizer name followed by the arguments |
 strus::Variant | Object representing a string or a numeric value of the binding language |
 strus::VecRank | Weighted vector (result of a query vector storage search) |
 strus::VectorStorageClient | Object representing a client connection to a vector storage |
 strus::VectorStorageSearcher | |
 strus::VectorStorageTransaction | |
 strus::WeightingConfig | Configuration describing the values passed to a weighting function |