strusPython  0.14
strus::QueryTerm Member List

This is the complete list of members for strus::QueryTerm, including all inherited members.

field() const strus::QueryTerminline
length() const strus::Terminline
operator<(const Term &o) const strus::Term
position() const strus::QueryTerminline
QueryTerm(const Index &field_, const String &type_, const String &value_, const Index &position_, const Index &length_)strus::QueryTerminline
QueryTerm(const QueryTerm &o)strus::QueryTerminline
Term(const String &type_, const String &value_, const Index &position_, const Index &length_)strus::Terminline
Term(const Term &o)strus::Terminline
type() const strus::QueryTerminline
ucvalue() const strus::QueryTerminline
value() const strus::QueryTerminline