strusAnalyzer  0.17
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
\NstrusStrus toplevel namespace
 oNanalyzerAnalyzer parameter and return value objects namespace
 |oCAggregatorViewStructures describing the internal representation of an aggregator function in a document analyzer
 |oCContentStatisticsElementViewStructure describing the internal representation of a content statistics library element
 |oCContentStatisticsItemDefines an item describing the statistics in a collection
 |oCContentStatisticsResultDefines the content statistics result from a collection sample
 |oCContentStatisticsViewStructure describing the internal representation of a content statistics library
 |oCDocumentStructure of a document created as result of a document analysis
 |oCDocumentAnalyzerMapElementViewStructure describing the internal representation of one element of a document analyzer map for introspection
 |oCDocumentAnalyzerMapViewStructure describing the internal representation of a document analyzer map for introspection
 |oCDocumentAnalyzerViewStructure describing the internal representation of a document analyzer for introspection
 |oCDocumentAttributeStructure describing a document attribute
 |oCDocumentClassDefines a description of the properties of an original document processed by the segmenter
 |oCDocumentMetaDataStructure describing a document meta data element
 |oCDocumentTermStructure describing a typed document term
 |oCFeatureOptionsOptions to stear the creation of terms in the analyzer
 |oCFeatureViewStructure describing the internal representation of a feature in the document analyzer
 |oCFunctionViewStructure describing the internal representation of a normalizer/tokenizer/aggregator function in the analyzer
 ||\Cis_atomicConditional for atomic type
 |oCPatternLexemStructure describing a token with an id used for pattern matching
 |oCPatternMatcherResultStructure desribing a result of a token pattern matcher
 |oCPatternMatcherResultItemResult item structure of a pattern match result
 |oCPatternMatcherStatisticsObject descriping the statistics of a token pattern match run for runtime analysis
 ||\CItemStatistics item
 |oCPositionStructure describing a position in a document source by segment and offset
 |oCQueryAnalyzerViewStructure describing the internal representation of a document analyzer for introspection
 |oCQueryElementViewStructure describing the internal representation of a feature in the document analyzer
 |oCQueryTermStructure describing a typed query term
 |oCQueryTermExpressionExpression of a query terms as result of a query analysis
 ||\CInstructionQuery instruction
 |oCSegmenterOptionsOptions to stear the segmenter behaviour or the structure of input if not self defined in the documents processed
 |oCSubContentDefinitionViewStructure describing the internal representation of a sub content definition in the document analyzer
 |oCSubDocumentDefinitionViewStructure describing the internal representation of a sub document definition in the document analyzer
 |oCTokenStructure describing a token in the document by its start and end position
 |\CTokenMarkupStructure defining an annotation of text in a document
 | \CAttributeStructure describing a document markup attribute
 oCAggregatorFunctionInstanceInterfaceInterface for a parameterized aggregator function
 oCAggregatorFunctionInterfaceInterface for the aggregator function constructor
 oCAnalyzerObjectBuilderInterfaceInterface providing a mechanism to create complex multi component objects for the document and query analysis in strus
 oCContentIteratorInterfaceDefines an iterator on content provided by a segmenter
 oCContentStatisticsContextInterfaceDefines a program for analyzing a document, splitting it into normalized terms that can be fed to the strus IR engine
 oCContentStatisticsInterfaceDefines a program for analyzing a document, splitting it into normalized terms that can be fed to the strus IR engine
 oCDocumentAnalyzerContextInterfaceDefines the context for analyzing multi part documents, iterating on the sub documents defined, splitting them into normalized terms that can be fed to the strus IR engine
 oCDocumentAnalyzerInstanceInterfaceDefines a program for analyzing a document, splitting it into normalized terms that can be fed to the strus IR engine
 oCDocumentAnalyzerMapInterfaceDefines a program for analyzing a document, splitting it into normalized terms that can be fed to the strus IR engine
 oCDocumentClassDetectorInterfaceDefines a detector that returns a content description for a document content it recognizes
 oCPatternResultFormatContextContext for mapping result format strings (allocator,maps,etc.)
 oCPatternResultFormatVariableMapInterface to map variables to a pointer to string
 oCPatternResultFormatTableParser for result format strings
 oCPatternResultFormatChunkSingle chunk of a result format for iterating ans build the pattern match result
 oCPatternResultFormatMapResult format for the output of pattern match results with names of members as variables in curly brackets '{' '}'
 oCPatternSerializerObject with all interfaces needed for serialization
 oCNormalizerFunctionInstanceInterfaceInterface for a parameterized normalization function
 oCNormalizerFunctionInterfaceInterface for the normalizer constructor
 oCPatternLexerContextInterfaceInterface for detecting lexems used as basic entities by pattern matching in text
 oCPatternLexerInstanceInterfaceInterface for building the automaton for detecting lexems used as basic entities by pattern matching in text
 oCPatternLexerInterfaceInterface for instantiating the data structure of an automaton for detecting lexems used as basic entities by pattern matching in text
 oCPatternMatcherContextInterfaceInterface for detecting patterns (structures formed by atomic tokens) in one document
 oCPatternMatcherInstanceInterfaceInterface for building the automaton for detecting patterns in text
 oCPatternMatcherInterfaceInterface for creating an automaton for detecting patterns of tokens in a document stream
 oCPatternTermFeederInstanceInterfaceInstance interface for defining a mapping of terms of the document analysis outout as lexems used as basic entities by pattern matching
 oCPatternTermFeederInterfaceInterface for instantiating the data structure of an automaton for detecting lexems used as basic entities by pattern matching in text
 oCPosTaggerContextInterfaceContext to markup documents with tags derived from POS tagging
 oCPosTaggerDataInterfaceInterface for the data built by a POS tagger
 |\CElementOutput element declaration for POS tagging
 oCPosTaggerInstanceInterfaceInterface to define a POS tagger instance for creating the input for POS tagging to build the data and to create to context for tagging with the data build from the POS tagging output
 oCPosTaggerInterfaceInterface for the construction of a POS tagger instance for a specified segmenter
 oCQueryAnalyzerContextInterfaceDefines the context for analyzing queries for the strus IR engine
 oCQueryAnalyzerInstanceInterfaceDefines a program for analyzing chunks of a query
 oCSegmenterContextInterfaceDefines the context for segmenting one document
 oCSegmenterInstanceInterfaceDefines a program for splitting a source text it into chunks with an id correspoding to a selecting expression
 oCSegmenterInterfaceDefines an interface for creating instances of programs for document segmentation
 oCSegmenterMarkupContextInterfaceDefines the context for inserting markups into one document
 oCTextProcessorInterfaceInterface for the object providing tokenizers and normalizers used for creating terms from segments of text and functions for collecting overall document statistics
 oCTokenizerFunctionInstanceInterfaceInterface for tokenization
 oCTokenizerFunctionInterfaceInterface for a tokenizer function
 oCTokenMarkupContextInterfaceInterface for annotation of text in one document
 \CTokenMarkupInstanceInterfaceInterface for building the automaton for detecting patterns of tokens in a document stream